Monday, January 12, 2009

Well, tonight was Chicken Fettachani Alfredo with Broccoli. (Betty Crocker's Fettachani Alfredo) recipe) I *think* that every one liked it. I had no idea how easy Alfredo was to make! The only problem was the huge mess and huge amount of dirty dishes I had when I was done. I guess I could solve this problem by using left over chicken and leftover broccoli. I think next time I make it I will double the sauce recipe because it was plenty to go with the noodles (wheat free) but it didn't cover that great when I added the broccoli and chicken. I don't know it still tasted good and made it not quite so heavy so maybe not. I served it with a leftover salad which would have been better fresh but oh well. Caleb didn't eat totally awesome but he ate enough for me to know that it wasn't because he didn't like it. When Mike came home and saw the pot on the stove I told him it was chicken-pot-pie (I had been experimenting with wheat-free gravy and made that 3 times within two weeks) He just about had kittens. So he was relieve that it wasn't that. He also said that it tasted better than Alfredo out of the can. With that and the fact that it was so easy, I know I'll never buy another jar. Of course I wouldn't be able to add this to my wheat free fiasco blog without mentioning that I used a rice fettachani that was a mix of white and brown. This was great. I know from previos experiemnts with whole wheat pasta that a mixture is the ticket if I expect the fam to eat it:)

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