Monday, January 12, 2009

written in a notebook several days ago, converted to blog

Why am I spending so much time, energy and money on figuring out how to replace wheat in my sons diet. Obviously it's more logical to replace it with the many available fruits and vegetables to fill him. When he was a baby I pureed all of his food myself... the bigger he got the worse his eczema and allergies became finally resulting in asthma. Finally causing me to put on the breaks and take a step back. I don't know why it took so long to see problems with our diet. OK, I'm gaining weight but "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and daw-gone-it people like me!" So? My son has skin problems? So I get a prescription and slather it on. More skin problems resulting from the skin cream? New prescription! My kid is hyper and I'm going broke from eating out too much... I could go on and on, I even smoked. Fact is I was blaming society and sitting back to accept things for what they are. I wish I had paid attention sooner to the things in my environment and my choices that were poisoning my family but it took that trip to the ER to put on my breaks. Now things aren't perfect. I've stepped up on my " 3R's" I removed chemicals from my home, but as my super smart friend Jennifer said, "what's the point of worrying about what goes on my body if I'm not worried about what goes in it. I know the medical community in general ignores what we eat... My son's doctor told me I probably didn't need to worry about his allergy to wheat, eggs and pork because they were "low" positives. But he was sure surprised when I brought him back a month later eczema and "allergy shiner" free! As some of you probably read in my goodreads review of "in defense of food," Pollan really made me think less about using substitutions to change Caleb's diet into a wheat free version of the western diet and more about changing the way we all eat over all. So, I see in myself a real need to start think about meat and grains as side dishes and focus on eating mostly vegetables and fruits.

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